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Summary of new EU Clinical Trial Regulation

The changes the regulation brings companies need to already be reviewing their current processes, systems and supporting infrastructure for clinical trial applications and operations. They need to…

China UDI Requirements

Unique device identifier refers to a series of codes constituted of numbers, letters and/or symbols and established on the basis of standards. Unique device identifier, which includes product iden…

Regulatory Success Automation

You may think that regulatory automation is something that requires an intense technical infrastructure backed by a big budget to boot. But the truth is, even small businesses can use simple autom…

Medical Devices: Structured Content Authoring Saves Time & Reduces Cost

Medical device companies creating technical documentation, clinical / post-marketing reports, labeling and quality documentation with increasing regulations and recent MDR/IVDR compliance in mind …

Avoiding Regulatory shortfalls in the Submission Path

Commercialization of new drugsrequire careful navigation through complex regulations defined by Global health authorities. Drug development process needs extensive collaborations with internal &am…
The First Step

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