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Meet us at ClinTech 2014 conference,Cambridge,Massachusetts

Meet us at ClinTech 2014 conference , Cambridge , Massachusetts

DDi is presenting Integrated Biometrics and Bigdata/Analytics in Clinical/Medical/RWE areas at at the ClinTech 2014 – CBI’s Clinical Business and Technology Congress that’s being held from March 11-13, 2014 at Hyatt Regency Cambridge, Massachusetts. DDi will be showcasing its “e-Clinical products” integrated with functional services supporting all phases of clinical research which are available as an integrated suite. Also, “ClinMetanoia”, our proprietary framework. Clinical Metanoia brings clinical data optimization to global customers. DDi’s “Big Data & Analytics” service for customers who need a targeted solution for a specific business or technology need with expertise. DDi (Drug Development informatics) is an e-Clinical and Data integration services company and a prominent partner to provide clinical informatics and IT solutions to the Life Sciences industry. Visitors/delegates are welcome to visit our booth to learn more about our company, e-clinical products and services.
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