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Measures to Overcome Low Stock Supplies in Clinical Trials Using IRT

Management of clinical supplies in clinical trials has become a major hurdle in this new era of clinical research. With the complex challenges that clinical trials shoot in terms of the design or …

UDI & EUDAMED Explained under EU MDR

What is UDI? Unique Device Identification (UDI) intended to assign a unique identifier to medical devices within the United States, it marks and identifies individual medical devices throughout…

Main Factors that Unify IRT in Clinical Supplies

IRT has created its footprint in the field of clinical research and has evolved drastically in such a way that it has bought a major difference in perspective of clinical trials over the decades. …

Label Tracking: An Important Aspect In Production Distribution

Drug labelling has changed over time because of evolving regulations and has increased in content and length, with a standard format to guide the safe and effective use of the drug. Product labels…

Reluctance of Regulatory teams embracing AI

One of the key regulatory problems that are hindering the acceptance of AI in Bio-Pharma is the apocalyptic prediction about Human jobs being traded by machine intelligence and the other Key Probl…
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